Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
Visual C++ .NET
1) 2D Graphics
2) ADO Database
3) Class
4) Collections
5) Data Type
6) Delegate
7) Development
8) File Directory
9) Function
10) Generics
11) GUI Form
12) Language Basics
13) Network
14) Reflection
15) Security
16) Statement
17) Structure
18) Thread
19) XML
1) Add a range to StringCollection
2) Add key and value to Hashtable
3) Add key and value to SortedList
4) Add key value pair to StringDictionary
5) Add keys from a StringDictionary to an ArrayList
6) Add string to StringCollection
7) Add to list with push_front
8) Add to ListDictionary
9) Add to ListDictionary by Index
10) Add to ListDictionary by replacing
11) Add to NameValueCollection
12) Add to priority_queue
13) Add to the first of a LinkedList
14) Add to the last of a LinkedList
15) Add value to a Queue with Enqueue
16) Add your class to a generic List
17) Adding element to a set
18) Adding one list to another list
19) Adding strings to ArrayList
20) Adding to the end of an ArrayList
21) Adding value pair to a dictionary
22) Adding value to a dictionary with indexer
23) Adding value to ArrayList with Indexer
24) Adding value to NameValueCollection by indexer
25) And operation for two BitArray
26) Append to ICollection
27) Array equality test
28) Array for each
29) Array initialization without gcnew
30) Array initializing
31) Arrays iterators
32) Assign string value to StringCollection by indexer
33) Assign value from native array to managed array
34) Assign value to a StringDictionary by using indexer
35) Binary search an ArrayList by functor
36) Binary_search and functor
37) Call dequeue to remove element from a Queue
38) Call Pop method to remove element from a Stack
39) Cast an array to IEnumerable
40) Cast deque to IList
41) Cast list to ICollection
42) Class with managed array
43) Convert deque to ICollection by make_collection
44) Convert vector to a IList
45) Count_if and functor
46) Create an interior pointer to elements of the array
47) Create an object for each object array position
48) Create LinkedList from array
49) Create map between Class and double value
50) Create SortedDictionary from a Dictionary
51) Creating BitArray
52) Creating BitArray from array
53) Declare a Pointer to an Array
54) Declare, create, and initialize a 1D managed array
55) Declare, create, and initialize a 1D native array
56) Declare, create, and initialize a 2D managed array
57) Declare, create, and initialize a 2D native array
58) Display elements in a multiset by IEnumerator interface
59) Display priority_queue by IEnumerator interface
60) Display Queue by IEnumerator interface
61) Display set with for loop using reverse_iterator
62) Does a Dictionary contain a certain key
63) Does an ArrayList contain a value
64) Equal_range of duplicate multiset
65) Erase element from a map
66) Erase element from multiset
67) Find a key-value pair in a map
68) Find an element in a LinkedList
69) Find element in a set
70) Find function returns setMyClass^
71) For each loop and list
72) For loop -- Using subscript with deque
73) For loop and element count
74) Get all keys from a StringDictionary
75) Get all keys from NameValueCollection
76) Get array length
77) Get element count for a Queue
78) Get element count for a Stack
79) Get element count in a LinedList
80) Get Enumerator from Hashtable
81) Get Enumerator from IEnumerable
82) Get Enumerator from SortedList
83) Get Enumerator from StringCollection
84) Get key and value Enumerator
85) Get key and value from a NameValueCollection
86) Get key collection and value collection from SortedDictionary
87) Get Key Collection Enumerator and Value Collection Enumerator
88) Get Key enumerator from Hashtable
89) Get key enumerator from SortedList
90) Get KeyValuePair from Dictionary
91) Get last LinkedListNode
92) Get the capacity of an ArrayList
93) Get the element count
94) Get the first element in a list
95) Get the front of a queue
96) Get the last element in a queue
97) Get the value index from a SortedList
98) Get value by Dictionary indexer
99) Get value enumerator from Hashtable
100) Get value enumerator from SortedList
101) Get value from Hashtable by indexed property
102) Get value from LinkedListNode
103) Get value from SortedList by indexed property
104) Get value from StringDictionary by key
105) Get value in SortedList by index
106) Get values by key in NameValueCollection
107) Get values from a Dictionary
108) Hashtable contains key
109) Hashtable contains value
110) Insert after the first element in a LinkedList
111) Insert and erase element from a set
112) Insert before the last element in a LinkedList
113) Insert element to a list
114) Insert element to a map
115) Insert elements (with duplicate) to multiset
116) Insert from NET generic ListT
117) Insert myMap from NET DictionaryT
118) Insert string to a StringCollection at specific position
119) Insert to a list
120) Insert to a map
121) Insert to multiset
122) Insert value to a vector
123) Insert value to a vector with Add()
124) Insert value to an ArrayList at specified position
125) Inserting duplicate elements to set
126) Is insert operation successful
127) Is queue empty
128) Iterate ArrayList using indexing
129) Iterate ArrayList using the for each operator
130) List FindAll with predicate
131) List ForEach and Action
132) List of a Map
133) Loop over the array with the interior pointer
134) Loop through a list with for loop
135) Loop through a StringDictionary with for loop
136) Loop through map with IDictionary interface
137) Map reverse interator
138) Merge lists by greater-functor
139) Multi dimension jagged
140) Multi dimension uniform
141) Multimap inserting
142) Not on value in BitArray
143) Object array with non default constrctuctor
144) Or operation between two BitArray
145) Pass Dictionary to a function
146) Pointer for list element
147) Pop myMap from priority queue till empty
148) Pop pets from stack top till empty
149) Pop_back() from a vector
150) Push class into vector
151) Push element to a queue
152) Push into a deque
153) Push pets onto stack and display by IEnumerator interface
154) Push value to a Stack
155) Push value to stack
156) Push value to vector
157) Random shuffle
158) Reference the first and last element of a deque
159) Reference the start and end of a vector
160) Refernece the first and last in a LinkedList
161) Remove a node from a LinkedList
162) Remove by key
163) Remove the first element
164) Replace element in a ListDictionary by indexer
165) Reverse a vector
166) Reverse the values in an ArrayList
167) Set all value in BitArray to true
168) Set the capacity
169) Set value in BitArray by indexer
170) Shallow copy creates another name for the array
171) Single dimension Arrays
172) Sort a list
173) Sort a vector
174) Sort an ArrayList
175) Sort an ArrayList by functor
176) Sort and functor
177) Sort array with Array Sort
178) Sort list by a user-defined functor
179) Sort list by greater-functor
180) SortedList contains key
181) SortedList contains value
182) SortedList indexing of Key
183) Splice a list
184) String arrays length
185) Subset ICollection created by make_collection()
186) The add method of dictionary takes the key and the value
187) The remove method of dictionary takes the key as an argument
188) UpperLower bound of duplicate multiset
189) Use for each to loop through a deque
190) Use functor greaterMyClass^() as ordering rule
191) Use max_element to get the max element
192) Use the KeyValuePair generic class when using the for each statement
193) Use variables in the initializer list
194) Use while and LinkedList pointer to loop through a LinkedList
195) Use while loop and Enumerator to loop through an array
196) Using AddRange to add an array of value to ArrayList
197) Using Array
198) Using Array BinarySearch to search an element in an array
199) Using built in IEnumerator interface from deque
200) Using const_iterator with deque insert
201) Using for each loop with StringCollection
202) Using for each to loop through a dictionary
203) Using for each to loop through a vector
204) Using for each to loop through an array
205) Using for loop the display elements in an ArrayList
206) Using gcnew to create array
207) Using IEnumerator to loop through an array
208) Using make_collection() to create ICollection from vector
209) Using reverse_iterator from ICollection with pop_back()
210) Vector for each loop -- subset ICollection
211) Vector for each loop using built in IEnumerator interface
212) Vector for loop -- Using const_iterator
213) Vector for loop -- Using reverse_iterator from ICollection
214) Vector for loop -- Using subscript
215) Xor operation between two BitArray